Water Emission Database



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- Content of the database
- Access to WED
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WED contains water fluxes and parameters describing the emitting source properties. It currently covers 79 observed water transitions up to the para-H2O 919 - 808 transition. Emitting sources at these transitions include the whole range of Galactic protostellar sources, with the majority of low-mass protostars. Currently we are working on adding all of the Galactic data to the database. In the future we will also extend WED with the extragalactic data.

Water Emission Database is stored and extended using the MySQL Database Service. The data is shared through regularly updated CSV files and is independent of the database driver for safety measures. The tables have 20 columns and are constructed in the following way:

obs_id object obj_type ra_2000 dec_2000
Ordinal numbers Name of the object Object type* RA (J2000) Dec (J2000)
transition freq telescope instrument obs_res
Transition ν (GHz)** Telescope used Instrument used for observations Resolution (‘’)
distance luminosity tbol menv vlsr
Distance to the source (pc) Lbol (L) Bolometric temperature (K) Envelope mass (M) Velocity (km/s)
flux flux_err unit
Observed flux Flux error Unit of flux
(K km s-1 / W cm-2 / W m-2 / erg s-1 cm-2)
ref extra
References to flux measurements Additional information/references to other data

* Legend:

** All of the frequencies to corresponding transitions are taken from the LAMDA database (Schöier, F.L., van der Tak, F.F.S., van Dishoeck E.F., Black, J.H. 2005, A&A 432, 369-379).